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5 Reasons to Love Spiders

Spiders have gotten a bad reputation because they look so different from any other animal we know, but these little guys are full of personality, much like the cats and dogs we share our homes with! Check out these cute facts about our eight-legged friends.

1. Most spiders aren’t known for their social behavior, but female whip spiders snuggle with their babies. If you think a two-armed hug feels great, think about an eight-legged one.

2. The males of certain spider species pluck their webs like a guitar to attract females. How romantic! ♥

3. Golden wheel spiders have the ability to escape their predators by cartwheeling.

4. According to Science News magazine, researchers have discovered the first-known vegetarian spider kickin’ it in Mexico.

5. Spiders are super-helpful to humans, but unfortunately, people still harm them in horrible ways.

  • Scientists experiment on spiders, hoping to harness the strength and flexibility of spider silk. If they are kept together in captivity as they are in laboratories, spiders can succumb to stress-induced cannibalism (meaning they will eat each other—eek!).
  • Tarantulas used in movies and commercials are sometimes defanged, a horribly painful procedure. Spiders use their fangs to chew their food, so removing their fangs would be the same as ripping the teeth out of a human’s mouth and then asking him or her to eat and chew.
  • Spiders who are kept as “pets” experience the overwhelming stress of unnatural confinement and loneliness, so it’s no surprise that they lash out at human guardians, who are usually unaware of their special needs.

So, you might still be a little creeped out by spiders, but you also don’t want to harm these fascinating little guys. What can you do?