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The Inside Scoop on Vegan Milk

Just as human babies drink milk from their moms, baby cows drink their mothers’ milk. But humans shouldn’t drink cow’s milk—or any other animals’ milk! Mammals only produce it for one reason: to feed their babies. But the dairy industry separates mother cows from their calves so that it can take their milk and make money by selling it to humans. How horrible is that?!

So what can you use to pour over your cereal in the mornings or dunk your chocolate chip cookies into instead of cow’s milk? Great question! There are so many vegan milks to choose from—so you can still get that yummy creamy taste without any of the suffering. Plus, they’re available at stores like Walmart, Target, Safeway, Kroger, and others, which makes it really easy for your parents to swap cow’s milk with vegan milk while out grocery shopping.

Here are some of the best vegan milks and how to use them:

Oat Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for drinking, baking, and dunking vegan cookies into
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium and iron as well as vitamins A and E.
  • Recommended brand: Oatly

Pea Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for adding to smoothies and pouring over cereal
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Recommended brand: Ripple (we especially love Ripple Kids milk, which was developed with the help of pediatricians and contains vital nutrients such as DHA omega-3s).

Ripple Kids Milk Bottle

Almond Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for drinking, cooking and baking, and pouring over cereal
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium as well as vitamins A, D, and E.
  • Recommended brands: Califia Farms and Malk.

Malk Almond milk optionsMalk Organics

Cashew Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for cooking and baking and making vegan cream
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium.
  • Recommended brand: Elmhurst 1925

Coconut Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for baking, adding to smoothies and hot drinks (like hot chocolate), and pouring over cereal
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of vitamins C and E as well as many B vitamins.
  • Recommended brand: So Delicious

Soy Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for drinking and cooking and baking
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium as well as vitamins B12 and D. Soy is also a complete protein.
  • Recommended brands:  DREAM

Rice Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for baking, pouring over cereal, and adding to smoothies
  • This is a great option if you or a family member has a nut allergy.
  • Recommended brand: DREAM

Hemp Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for drinking, adding to smoothies and pancake recipes, and pouring over cereal
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Recommended brands: Tempt and Pacific Foods

Flaxseed Milk

  • Our favorite use: for adding to smoothies
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of vitamins A, B12, and D.
  • Recommended brand: Good Karma

Hazelnut Milk

  • Our favorite uses: for baking and adding to hot chocolate
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of calcium as well as vitamins B12, D, and E.
  • Recommended brand: Pacific Foods

Quinoa Milk

  • Our favorite use: for baking breads, muffins, and cakes
  • Fortified varieties are a great source of vitamins B12, D, and E.
  • Recommended brand: Suzie’s