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Where Does Milk Come From? Everything You Need to Know About Dairy

Whether you’ve been eating vegan cheese and ice cream your whole life, you just recently made the switch to oat milk, or you’re still learning about animal rights, this comic strip will help you understand what dairy is and how humans get milk from cows. It’ll help you explain these things to your buddies, too—because friends don’t let friends hurt others. When people understand why drinking cow’s milk and eating dairy foods is cruel, they’ll want to go vegan—and that will help save cows!

Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip Dairy Comic Strip

Vegan cheeses and ice creams are made with soy, oat, almond, coconut, or other nondairy milks. These foods are delicious, and choosing them shows the world that you don’t support animal abuse. Raising and killing animals for food is bad for the environment, and eating animals is unhealthy for humans. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic started because humans treat animals like food. But animals aren’t ours to eat or use for milk. There are now so many vegan cheese, milk, ice cream, butter, and yogurt choices that it’s easy to eat vegan. Share this comic strip with your friends to spread the word and save cows!