Corky the Orca’s Sad Story
Corky, an orca at SeaWorld, has been suffering in tiny tanks for almost her entire life. She was born off the coast of British Columbia, where she lived happily with her family in what’s called a “pod.” But one day, some mean people came and kidnapped her.

Since being taken from her ocean home, Corky has had seven babies. They’ve all died, some of them before they were even born. Can you imagine how sad that must’ve been for her?
From the moment Corky was taken from the ocean, her life has been full of confusion, pain, and suffering. Even if any of her calves had survived, they probably would have been taken from her anyway, shipped somewhere else, and forced to entertain humans and breed more orcas.
Hope for the Future: Bringing Corky Home
Not every member of Corky’s pod was captured along with her. Other orcas—including her mother—were left in the ocean off the coast of British Columbia, where her siblings still visit to this day. A team of experts has identified an area there to build a seaside sanctuary so that Corky and other captive orcas could finally return home to the ocean waters where they belong.

If released to a sanctuary in these waters, Corky could have an opportunity to communicate with her biological siblings, who traveled with their mother until she passed away—an opportunity stolen from her. She could feel the flowing currents, dive deep into the water, and possibly even reunite with her family. But for that to happen, SeaWorld needs to act.
You Can Help Corky!
All you have to do is never visit SeaWorld or any other marine park that keeps animals trapped in this way—and tell your family and friends to do the same. You can also make a sign in support of Corky and ask your grown-up to share it online or e-mail pictures of it to us.
Under 13? Ask your parents bee-fore you continue!