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Mckenna Grace Helps Dogs Trapped in Cars

Ten-year-old actor Mckenna Grace from Disney XD’s Crash & Bernstein shows the pain that a dog goes through when locked inside a car, even on a summer day that isn’t very hot.

You can help pups in danger by following these easy steps when you see a dog trapped in a car:

  • Ask a parent or trusted adult to call 911! While you’re waiting for help, write down the car’s color, model, make, and license plate number—you can ask your parents what these are.
  • Ask your parents to have the owner paged in nearby stores.
  • If you see a dog trapped inside a car and showing any symptoms of heatstroke—like looking scared or super-tired, panting a lot, or throwing up—ask your parents to find eyewitnesses who will tell the police that they saw the same symptoms, then your parents should do what they have to do to get the dog into the shade ASAP.
  • Don’t leave until help shows up or the situation is fixed!